The territory of the State of Nevada was originally split between the Northern California and Southern California Chapters; the 37th Parallel was the dividing line within Nevada

Establishment Period


The remaining Nevada territory in the Sierra Chapter united with the Southern Nevada Chapter to became the Nevada Chapter, the part of northern Nevada joining the new Nevada Chapter was established as the Northern Nevada Section of the Nevada Chapter, and the rest of the Sierra Chapter was renamed the California Sierra Chapter.


Southern Nevada Section became the Southern Nevada Chapter


The Southern Nevada Section of the Southern California Chapter was formed; again no geographical boundaries were described. Also the California Central Valley Chapter was renamed the Sierra Chapter


A Desert Section of the Southern California Chapter was formed; no geographical boundaries were described, and it is unclear if this included any of Nevada


The Eastern Sierra Section of the California Central Valley Chapter was formed, it’s geographical boundaries were described as:

“The Eastern Sierra Nevada Section will be the Nevada/Utah state line to the east; to the south the common border between California counties of Alpine and Mono at the intersection point on the California/Nevada state line, south to the 37th parallel and Northern Nevada north of the 37th parallel; to the west the eastern boundary of the following California counties (not included): Tuolumne, Amador, Siskiyou, Shasta, Tehema and Butte and the Eastern slope only of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in the following California Counties: El Dorado, Placer, Nevada, Sierra and Plumas; and to the north the Oregon/Nevada state line and a portion of the Oregon/California state line.”

California Central Valley (now Sierra) Chapter was formed and included Nevada above the 37th Parallel. The southern portion was still in the Southern California Chapter